School Logo

Blwyddyn 2 Mrs Williams a Miss Boyce

Croeso i ddosbarth Cantref a Llwyn-On Blwyddyn 2

Mrs A Williams a Mrs Jones

 Miss Boyce a Miss Craze 


Welcome to the class page for year 2 Cantref a Llwyn-On

Mrs Williams a Mrs Jones

Miss Boyce a Miss Craze 


smiley Ebost yr athrawon / Teacher email addresses smiley




Croeso i flwyddyn 2!!



Hoffwn gymryd y cyfle hwn i groesawi chi i dudalen blwyddyn 2! 


Hoffwn eich atgoffa i edrych ar Class Charts a Seesaw am wybodaeth bellach.


Os oes problem, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni trwy’r e-bost a nodir uchod.


Cofion cynnes

Mrs Williams a Miss Boyce

Mrs Jones a Miss Craze


Welcome to year 2!!

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to year 2's page!


I would like to remind you to look at Class Charts and Seesaw for further information.


If there is a problem, please do not hesitate to contact us via the email specified above.


Kind regards


Mrs Williams a Miss Boyce

Mrs Jones and  Miss Craze

Gwybodaeth pellach 


Bydd gwersi ymarfer corff blwyddyn 2 yn digwydd ar ddydd Llun yn wythnosol.  Gall y plant fynychu'r ysgol yn gwisgo eu citiau ymarfer corff - joggers, leggings neu siorts, crys polo a'u cardigans coch, siwmperi neu hwdis arferol. Gall y plant hefyd wisgo eu trainers i'r ysgol.


Mi fydd gwersi Dysgu yn yr awyr agored, yn digwydd bob yn ail ddydd Iau gyda Miss Thomas a Mr Mahoney.  


 A allwch chi sicrhau bod pob dilledyn wedi'i labelu i'n helpu ni i ddychwelyd eitemau dillad yn gyflym os ydyn nhw ar goll. 


Diolchwn i chi am eich cydweithrediad.



Further Information


Year 2 PE lessons will take place on Mondays weekly. The children are able to attend school wearing their P.E kits - joggers, leggings or shorts, a polo shirt and their usual red cardigans, jumpers or hoodies.  The children can also wear their trainers to school.


Outdoor Learning lessons will take place on alternate Thursdays with Miss Thomas and Mr Mahoney. 


Please can you ensure that all items of clothing are labelled to help us return clothing items swiftly if they are misplaced. 


We thank you for your co-operation.
