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Taliadau ar lein/Online Payments

Ar wahân i roddion elusennol ar ddiwrnodau penodol fel Plant Mewn Angen, ni fydd yr ysgol yn gofyn i rieni ddanfon arian i'r ysgol. Lle mae angen gwneud cyfraniadau tuag at dripiau neu daliadau am Arian Cinio a digwyddiadau bydd angen gwneud rhain trwy ParentPay.
Mae ParentPay yn wasanaeth ar-lein y bydd yn rhaid i chi fewngofnodi iddo. Os nad ydych eisoes wedi creu cyfrif ac angen gwneud taliad, cysylltwch â'r ysgol a byddwn yn darparu manylion mewngofnodi ParentPay i chi. Bydd y manylion hyn yn cynnwys manylion actifadu.
Ar ôl i chi gael manylion eich cyfrif gallwch fewngofnodi ar-lein yn Edrychwch am y botwm ‘Login’ ar y dde uchaf.
Os hoffech chi ddefnyddio ParentPay ar eich ffôn symudol, rhowch 'bookmark' ar y dudalen fewngofnodi i'ch sgrin gartref er mwyn cael mynediad hawdd. Dyluniwyd ParentPay i weithio'n wych ar dabledi a ffonau yn ogystal â chyfrifiaduron. Bydd mwyafrif llethol o ddyfeisiau Android, iOS a Windows Phone yn gallu rhedeg ParentPay.



Apart from charity donations on specific days such as Children in Need, the school will not ask for money to be sent in to school. Contributions towards trips or payments for Dinner Money and events need to be made via Parent Pay. 

Parent Pay is an online service that you will have to log in to. If you haven't already created an account and need to make a payment, please contact the school and we will provide you with ParentPay login details. These details will contain activation details.

Once you have your account details you can log in online at Look for the ‘Login’ button at the top right.

If you would like to use ParentPay on your smartphone, just bookmark the login page to your home screen for easy access. ParentPay has been designed from the ground up to work great on tablets and phones as well as desktop computers. The vast majority of Android, iOS and Windows Phone devices will be able to run ParentPay.




Trosolwg o ParentPay i rieni/ Here's a quick overview of how ParentPay works for parents.
