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Amserlen yr Wythnos / Weekly Timetable

Wythnos yn dechrau/ Week beginning: 15/06/2020


Yr wythnos hon mae thema newydd gyda ni. Y thema yw 'Dychmygwch'. Yn ogystal â hynny mae hi'n wythnos Cenedlaethol Ffoaduriaid. Felly bydd llawer o'n gwaith yn ffocysu ar hyn.


Cofiwch i wneud beth rydych gallu. Does dim angen gwneud pob dim. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen i glywed gennych ac i weld eich gwaith. Ond, cofiwch hefyd i rannu unrhyw beth arall rydych eisiau gyda ni. Ydych chi wedi bod am dro dros y penwythnos ac wedi tynnu lluniau? Ydych chi wedi bod yn gwneud Celf? yn dawnsio? yn gwneud ymarfer corff? yn ysgrifennu stori? Rhannwch luniau gyda ni!


Mwynhewch yr wythnos, a chofiwch i gysylltu â ni os oes yna broblem.


This week our new theme is 'Imagine'. In addition, it is National Refugee Week this week, so many tasks will focus on this.


Remember to complete what you can. Don't worry if you don't complete everything. We are looking forward to hearing from you and seeing your work. But, remember to also share anything you want with us. Did you go on a walk on the weekend and have pictures to share? Have you completed a piece of art? been dancing? done some exercise? written a story? Share some picture with us if you've done anything creative and interesting!


Enjoy the week, and remember to contact us if there is a problem.


Wythnos yn dechrau/ Week beginning: 08/06/2020


Yr wythnos yma rydyn ni am gario ymlaen gyda'r thema Carnifal a Brasil. Bydd gennych chi waith Iaith a Maths i'w gwblhau a chwestwin y dydd ar Flipgrid hefyd.


Yna gallwch edrych ar y Pick & Mix 'Carnifal a Brasil' eto a chwblhau mwy o dasgau.

Rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr i weld eich gwaith unwaith eto.


This week we are going to continue with the theme The Carnival and Brazil. You will have Welsh and Maths tasks to complete too and the questions of the day on Flipgrid.


Then you can look again at 'The Carnival and Brazil' Pick & Mix and complete more tasks. 

We are looking forward to seeing your work once again.


(Click here to see the Pick & Mix)


Wythnos yn dechrau/ Week beginning: 01/06/2020

Yr wythnos yma ein thema yw Y Carnifal a Brasil. Rydym wedi dewis rhai gweithgareddau o'r Pick & Mix i chi gwblhau, mae tasg fach Maths i chi gwblhau bob dydd a cwestiwn i'w hateb ar Flipgrid. 


Yna cewch ddewis pa weithgareddau o'r Pick & Mix hoffech chi gwblhau. Mwynhewch!


This week your theme is The Carnival and Brazil. We have chosen some activities from the Pick & Mix for you to complete, there is a short Maths task to complete every day and a questions to answer on Flipgrid.


Then you can choose which activities from the Pick & Mix you would like to complete. Enjoy!


(Click here to see the Pick & Mix)


Wythnos yn dechrau/ Week beginning: 18/05/2020


Dyma amserlen yr wythnos nesaf i chi gyda’r holl dasgau rydym am osod. Gobeithio bydd yr amserlen yn eich helpu i drefnu eich diwrnod yn debyg i sut fyddai pob diwrnod os oeddwn ni yn yr ysgol. Rydym wedi rhoi digon o dasgau bob dydd i'ch cadw'n brysur, ond cofiwch, does dim rhaid gwneud pob tasg pob dydd. Mae'n bwysig hefyd i dreulio amser gyda'r teulu yn ystod yr amser yma. Eich hapusrwydd chi yw'r peth pwysicaf i ni. Byddwn yn gosod y tasgau ar Seesaw neu Google Classrooms bob diwrnod. Yn amlwg, gallwch gwblhau’r tasgau mewn unrhyw drefn, ond mae’r amserlen yn rhoi syniad i chi sut allwch drefnu eich diwrnod. Rydyn ni'n cario ymlaen gyda'r un thema ag wythnos diwethaf - Byw Bywyd Iachus.


Here is  a timetable showing the tasks that we will set this week. We hope the timetable will help you to structure your day in a similar way as it would be structured if we were back in school. We have set plenty of tasks to keep you busy, and many  of them won't take as long to complete as the time allocated. But also, remember, you don't have to complete every task every day. It is important during this time at home that you spend time with your family too. Your happiness and wellbeing are most important to us. We will be setting the tasks on Seesaw or Google Classrooms every day. Obviously, you can complete the tasks each day in any order you wish, but the timetable is there to give you an idea of how you could structure your day. This week, we are continuing with the same theme as last week - Staying Healthy, Keeping Fit.

Wythnos yn dechrau/ Week beginning: 11/05/2020


Dyma amserlen yr wythnos nesaf i chi gyda’r holl dasgau rydym am osod. Gobeithio bydd yr amserlen yn eich helpu i drefnu eich diwrnod yn debyg i sut fyddai pob diwrnod os oeddwn ni yn yr ysgol. Rydym wedi rhoi digon o dasgau bob dydd i'ch cadw'n brysur, ond cofiwch, does dim rhaid gwneud pob tasg pob dydd. Mae'n bwysig hefyd i dreulio amser gyda'r teulu yn ystod yr amser yma. Eich hapusrwydd chi yw'r peth pwysicaf i ni. Byddwn yn gosod y tasgau ar Seesaw neu Google Classrooms bob diwrnod. Yn amlwg, gallwch gwblhau’r tasgau mewn unrhyw drefn, ond mae’r amserlen yn rhoi syniad i chi sut allwch drefnu eich diwrnod. Mae gyda ni thema newydd am y pythefnos nesaf - Byw Bywyd Iachus.


Here is  a timetable showing the tasks that we will set this week. We hope the timetable will help you to structure your day in a similar way as it would be structured if we were back in school. We have set plenty of tasks to keep you busy, and many  of them won't take as long to complete as the time allocated. But also, remember, you don't have to complete every task every day. It is important during this time at home that you spend time with your family too. Your happiness and wellbeing are most important to us. We will be setting the tasks on Seesaw or Google Classrooms every day. Obviously, you can complete the tasks each day in any order you wish, but the timetable is there to give you an idea of how you could structure your day. We have a new theme for the next fortnight - Staying Healthy, Keeping Fit.

Wythnos yn dechrau/ Week beginning: 27/04/2020


Dyma amserlen yr wythnos nesaf i chi gyda’r holl dasgau rydym am osod. Gobeithio bydd yr amserlen yn eich helpu i drefnu eich diwrnod yn debyg i sut fyddai pob diwrnod os oeddwn ni yn yr ysgol. Rydym wedi rhoi digon o dasgau bob dydd i'ch cadw'n brysur, ond cofiwch, does dim rhaid gwneud pob tasg pob dydd. Mae'n bwysig hefyd i dreulio amser gyda'r teulu yn ystod yr amser yma. Eich hapusrwydd chi yw'r peth pwysicaf i ni. Byddwn yn gosod y tasgau ar Seesaw neu Google Classrooms bob diwrnod. Yn amlwg, gallwch gwblhau’r tasgau mewn unrhyw drefn, ond mae’r amserlen yn rhoi syniad i chi sut allwch drefnu eich diwrnod. Byddwn yn edrych ar thema newydd bob wythnos; thema’r wythnos hon yw ‘Ble yn y Byd?’


Here is  a timetable showing the tasks that we will set this week. We hope the timetable will help you to structure your day in a similar way as it would be structured if we were back in school. We have set plenty of tasks to keep you busy, and many  of them won't take as long to complete as the time allocated. But also, remember, you don't have to complete every task every day. It is important during this time at home that you spend time with your family too. Your happiness and wellbeing are most important to us. We will be setting the tasks on Seesaw or Google Classrooms every day. Obviously, you can complete the tasks each day in any order you wish, but the timetable is there to give you an idea of how you could structure your day. We will look at a different theme every week; this week’s theme is ‘Where in the World?’

Wythnos yn dechrau / Week starting: 20/04/2020


Dyma amserlen yr wythnos nesaf i chi gyda’r holl dasgau rydym am osod. Gobeithio bydd yr amserlen yn eich helpu i drefnu eich diwrnod yn debyg i sut fyddai pob diwrnod os oeddwn ni yn yr ysgol. Rydym wedi rhoi digon o dasgau bob dydd i'ch cadw'n brysur, ond cofiwch, does dim rhaid gwneud pob tasg pob dydd. Mae'n bwysig hefyd i dreulio amser gyda'r teulu yn ystod yr amser yma. Eich hapusrwydd chi yw'r peth pwysicaf i ni. Byddwn yn gosod y tasgau ar Seesaw neu Google Classrooms bob diwrnod. Yn amlwg, gallwch gwblhau’r tasgau mewn unrhyw drefn, ond mae’r amserlen yn rhoi syniad i chi sut allwch drefnu eich diwrnod. Byddwn yn edrych ar thema newydd bob wythnos; thema’r wythnos hon yw ‘Dathlu Arwyr!’


Here is  a timetable showing the tasks that we will set this week. We hope the timetable will help you to structure your day in a similar way as it would be structured if we were back in school. We have set plenty of tasks to keep you busy, and many  of them won't take as long to complete as the time allocated. But also, remember, you don't have to complete every task every day. It is important during this time at home that you spend time with your family too. Your happiness and wellbeing are most important to us. We will be setting the tasks on Seesaw or Google Classrooms every day. Obviously, you can complete the tasks each day in any order you wish, but the timetable is there to give you an idea of how you could structure your day. We will look at a different theme every week; this week’s theme is ‘Celebrating Heroes!’
