Gweithio o'r Cartref / Home Learning
Gweithgaredd heddiw / Today's task
Teitl eich tasg am y dydd yw 'Dyma fi!'
Helpwch eich athrawon newydd i ddod i'ch adnabod chi ar ddechrau'r flwyddyn newydd. Rydym ni wir eisiau gwybod am y math o berson ydych chi. Ceisiwch esbonio i ni:
- Beth yw eich diddordebau?
- Pwy sydd yn ran o'ch teulu?
- Pa dalentau sydd gennych?
- Unrhyw ffeithiau diddorol am eich hun.
Fe gewch chi gyflwyno eich gwaith mewn sawl ffordd wahanol, efallai trwy greu poster, cyflwyniad ar y cyfrifiadur, neu hyd yn oed trwy recordio fidio! E-bostiwch unrhyw waith sydd gennych i'ch athrawon! Cewch ddewis i gwblhau'r dasg yma yn Gymraeg neu'n Saesneg.
The title of you task for the day is, 'This is me!'
The purpose of this task is to help your new teachers to get to know you a little better, ahead of your return to school. We really are eager to learn about you! Try to explain to us:
- What are your interests?
- Who is a part of your family?
- What are your talents?
- Any fascinating facts about yourself.
You can present this work in many different ways, perhaps you could create a poster, a presentation on the computer or even a recorded video. Please email any work to your teacher! You can complete this task in either Welsh or English.
Pob lwc!