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Cofnod Dysg

27.01.17 - Gwaith Cartref: Top Trumps Gwledydd/Countries

Half Term English Project: Matilda

13.10.16 - Gwaith Cartref: Ysmygu / Homework: Smoking

Gwaith Cartref - Dychwelyd erbyn 21/3/17 - to be returned by 21/3/17


Ysgrifennu dyddiadur wedi gweld anghenfil y Loch Ness.

To write a diary entry, in Welsh, having seen the Loch Ness Monster.


Read two chapters of each novel - every night!

Caneuon/Songs: Dechrau Canu, Dechrau Canmol - 29/09/16


Y penwythnos yma, hoffwn eich bod yn ymarfer y 10 can byddwn yn canu ar gyfer y rhaglen Dechrau Canu, Dechrau Canmol ar Ddydd Llun.


This weekend, we would like you to practise the 10 songs we will be singing when filming Dechrau Canu, Dechrau Canmol on Monday.


Please remeber to return your permission slips for you child to attend by tomorrow (Friday). 


Thank you

Gwyddoniaeth/Science - 22.9.16
