Pages within the Rhieni menu:
- Rhieni
- Cylchlythyr/Newsletter
- Llythyron/ Letters
- Mynediad i'r Ysgol / School Admissions
- Dyddiadau'r Flwyddyn / Important Dates
- Presenoldeb/Attendance
- Taliadau ar lein/Online Payments
- Iechyd a Moddion/ Health and Medicine
- Prosbectws/Prospectus
- Ffurflenni Allweddol/ Important Forms
- Bwydlen Cinio Ysgol / School Dinner Menu
- Cynllun Datblygu Ysgol/School Development Plan
- Y Feithrin/ Our Nursery
- Magwraeth/ Nurture
- Cymorth ELSA/ELSA Support
- Gwisg Ysgol/School Uniform
- Iechyd, Lles ac Addysg Gorfforol/Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education
- Swyddog Cyswllt Teulu/ Family Liaison Officer
- Gwobrwyo a Disgyblaeth/ Rewards and Discipline
- Diogelu ac Amddiffyn Plant/ Safeguarding Children
- Diogelu Data/ Data Protection
- Clybiau Ysgol / School Clubs
- Clwb Brecwast/Breakfast Club
- Gwersi Offerynnol/Music Lessons
- Cysylltiadau Defnyddiol / Useful Links
- Asesiadau Cenedlaethol/National Tests