E-Ddiogelwch / E-Safety
Wythnos Defnyddio’r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel 2022
Safer Internet Week 2022
Mae Diwrnod Defnyddio'r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel yn cael ei ddathlu’n fyd-eang ym mis Chwefror bob blwyddyn, i hyrwyddo defnydd diogel a chadarnhaol o dechnoleg ddigidol gan blant a phobl ifanc ac i ysbrydoli trafodaeth yn genedlaethol.
Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year, to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.
Thema'r DU - Hwyl a sbri i bawb? Archwilio parch a pherthynas ar-lein.
Eleni, rydyn ni’n dathlu rôl pobl ifanc wrth greu rhyngrwyd mwy diogel a'r ffyrdd maen nhw'n dylanwadu ar y gofodau adloniant rhyngweithiol maen nhw'n rhan ohonyn nhw. Mae'r platfformau mae pobl ifanc yn eu defnyddio yn llefydd ar gyfer cysylltu, cymuned a chydweithio, a dyna pam mae Diwrnod Defnyddio'r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel yn eu herio i feithrin perthnasoedd cefnogol a chymunedau sy’n dangos parch, gan ddarparu'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw i gadw eu hunain ac eraill yn ddiogel yn y gofodau hyn.
All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online
Safer Internet Day 2022, is on the 8th of February with the theme ‘All fun and games?’ We will be celebrating and promoting the theme, doing lots of fun activities throughout the week. We’ll be talking about how to #beKind online and how they can use technology to be a positive influence in their community.
We would be delighted if you could join us in celebrating the week by continuing the conversation at home. To help you with this, you may be interested in downloading the free Safer Internet Day Resources for Parents and Carers which is available at: saferinternet.org.uk/sid-parents.
BBC OWN IT also provide valuable resources which you may find helpful in supporting your child online.
Mae straeon Digi-hwyaden yn wych ar gyfer plant iau a dyma ei antur ddiweddaraf:
The Digiduck stories are excellent for younger children and here is his latest adventure (click on the image below to read the story at home):
Cwis E-Ddiogelwch Apiau a Chyfryngau Cymdeithasol/ E-Safety Quiz Apps and Social Media Age Ratings
Ydych chi'n gwybod graddau oedran y DU ar gyfer Apiau a Chyfryngau Cymdeithasol poblogaidd? Profwch eich dealltwriaeth trwy gwblhau'r cwis uchod.
Do you know the UK age ratings of popular Apps & Social Media? Test your knowledge by completing this quiz.
Do you know the UK age ratings of popular Apps & Social Media? Test your knowledge by completing this quiz.
Cwis E-Ddiogelwch Gemau Ar-lein/ E-Safety Quiz Video Game Age Ratings
Ydych chi'n gwybod graddau oedran y DU ar gyfer gemau ar-lein Profwch eich dealltwriaeth trwy gwblhau'r cwis uchod.
Do you know the UK age ratings of popular online games ? Test your knowledge by completing the quiz.
Do you know the UK age ratings of popular online games ? Test your knowledge by completing the quiz.
Gweler isod dogfennau’r pecyn i rieni a gofalwyr:
Below you can find the documents from the Parents and Carers Pack (Safer Internet Day 2022):
Canllawiau Defnyddiol Diogelwch Ar-lein / Useful Online Safety Guides
Mae'r we yn tŵl defnyddiol iawn, iawn yn ein bywydau o ddydd i ddydd; rydym yn ei ddefnyddio i gyfathrebu, i ymchwilio, i wrando ar gerddoriaeth, i wylio fideos, i siopa, a llawer mwy o bethau.
Er ei fod yn arf gwych, gall hefyd fod yn lle peryglus. Dewch i ddysgu mwy am sut i gadw'n ddiogel ar-lein.
The internet can be a very useful tool in our day to day lives; we use it to communicate, to research, to listen to music, to watch videos, to shop from home, and much, much more.
Whilst it is a great tool to have access to so easily, it can also be a dangerous place. Come and learn more about how to keep safe online.
- Peidiwch â rhoi'ch enw i unrhywun
- Do not give your name to anyone you don't know
- Peidiwch â rhoi'ch cyfeiriad i unrhywun
- Do not give your address to anyone
- Peidiwch â defnyddio gwefannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol os nad ydych yn ddigon hen
- Do not use social media platforms that you are not old enough to access
- Peidiwch â chwilio am bethau ar y we os ydych yn gwybod na ddylech chi
- Do not search for anything that you know you shouldn't
- Os nag ydych yn teimlo'n gyfforddus gydag unrhywbeth arlein dywedwch wrth eich rhieni / athrawon yn syth
- If something feels wrong online then please tell your parent / teacher
Yn Santes Tudful, mae ein Cwricwlwm Cymhwysedd Digidol yn cefnogi plant yn barhaus i drafod ac i ystyried sut i gadw'n ddiogel tra ar-lein ac hefyd wrth ddefnyddio dyfeisiau digidol. Bydd mwy o wybodaeth yn dilyn gyda'n tudalen Cwricwlwm Cyfrifiadura newydd sy'n dod yn fuan.
At Santes Tudful, our Digital Competence Curriculum continually supports children to discuss and consider how to stay safe whilst online and using digital devices. More information will follow with our new Computing Curriculum page that is coming soon.
Am gymorth adref, dilynwch y lincs a dogfennau isod:
For help at home, please use the following useful links and documents:
Angen help? Need help?
Os oes gennych chi broblemau ar-lein a rydych chi'n ffeindio hi'n anodd i drafod gydag oedolyn, beth am drafod gydag aelod ein cyngor ysgol? Llenwch y ffurflen yma i drefnu cwrdd âg aelog ymddiriedol o'n cyngor ysgol. Cofia - mae'n well dweud wrth rywyn iddynt fedru helpu. Having online troubles? Worried about talking to an adult? Why not confide in a member of our trusting school council? Fill in this form to arrange a meeting time and place. Remember - it's always better to tell somebody that can help.