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Mae Young Minds yn elusen a fydd yn ein cefnogi trwy raglen o'r enw 'Ein Hysgol - Ein Hiechyd Meddwl'. Mae’n rhaglen sy’n cefnogi ysgolion i

adeiladu agwedd at iechyd meddwl a lles disgyblion sy’n cynnwys cymuned yr ysgol gyfan.


Gyda chefnogaeth Young Minds, bydd gennym gynllun ymarferol i fynd i’r afael ag iechyd meddwl

ar draws ein hysgol a’r wybodaeth a’r sgiliau i allu ei gweithredu.


Bydd y cynllun yn cael ei wneud drwy gasglu barn a llais yr holl randdeiliaid – staff yr ysgol, rhieni, disgyblion a’r rhwydwaith ysgol ehangach. Bydd hyn yn ein galluogi i adeiladu darlun cyflawn o gymuned ein hysgol a nodi'r meysydd ymarfer iechyd meddwl gorau i'w datblygu.




Young Minds is a charity that will support us through a programme called 'Our School-Our Mental Health'. It is a programme that supports schools to
build an approach to pupil mental health and wellbeing that involves the whole school community.

With the support of Young Minds, we will have a practical plan to address mental health
throughout our school and the knowledge and skills to be able to implement it.

The plan will be made from collecting the views and voice of all stakeholders- school staff, parents, pupils and the wider school network. This will enable us to build a complete picture of our school community
and identify the best mental health practice areas for development.


Oes gennych chi bryderon iechyd meddwl am eich plentyn? Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod i siarad gyda rhywun ar y ffon neu gyda rhywun ar-lein. 


Do you have mental health concerns regarding your child? Click on the link below to talk to someone on the helpline or to chat with someone online. 
