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Beth yw ysgol Thrive?

Mae Ysgol Thrive yn ysgol sy'n dilyn y dull Thrive.


Beth yw'r Dull Thrive?

Mae’r dull Thrive yn ddull deinamig, datblygiadol a sensitif i drawma i ateb anghenion emosiynol a chymdeithasol plant.


Ydy Thrive yn beth newydd?

Mae Thrive wedi cael ei ddatblygu dros 25 mlynedd ac mae ei greadigaeth yn dod o brofiad mewn gwaith cymdeithasol, seicotherapi ac addysg.

Ategir y Dull Thrive gan ddamcaniaeth ymlyniad i helpu i ddeall beth mae ymddygiad plentyn neu berson ifanc yn ei gyfathrebu.

Ategir y Dull Thrive gan ddamcaniaeth datblygiad plant er mwyn gwneud y gorau o ddatblygiad cymdeithasol ac emosiynol plant a phobl ifanc.

Mae’r dull Thrive wedi'i seilio ar ddatblygiadau gwyddonol cyfredol ym maes niwrowyddoniaeth.

Mae’r dull Thrive yn ymgorffori chwarae, creadigrwydd a’r celfyddydau i adeiladu perthnasoedd iach, diogel a chefnogol rhwng oedolion a’r plant a’r bobl ifanc y maent yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â nhw.


Beth mae Thrive yn ei wneud?

Mae Thrive yn ein helpu i nodi anghenion datblygiadol emosiynol cyn gynted â phosibl, er mwyn cefnogi a diwallu’r anghenion hynny.

Trwy weithgareddau syml, sy’n cael eu hailadrodd dros amser, o fewn amgylchedd diogel a gofalgar, nod Thrive yw gwneud iawn am ymyriadau mewn datblygiad emosiynol, pan fyddant yn effeithio ar allu plentyn i fwynhau bywyd a dysgu.


Sut ydy Santes Tudful yn defnyddio Thrive?

Yn ein hysgol rydym yn defnyddio Thrive-Online® i’n helpu i nodi pa agweddau ar y cwricwlwm cymdeithasol ac emosiynol y mae angen i ni ganolbwyntio arnynt ar gyfer pob dosbarth o ddisgyblion. Rydym yn defnyddio hwn i addasu sut a beth rydym yn ei addysgu i ddiwallu'r anghenion a nodir orau.


Rydym hefyd yn defnyddio Thrive-Online i asesu a datblygu cynlluniau gweithredu ar gyfer plant unigol. Mae hyn yn sicrhau bod y staff sy'n gweithio gyda nhw yn deall eu hanghenion unigol ac yn gallu bodloni'r rhain yn fwyaf effeithiol.

Pwy sy'n gweithio gyda phlant unigol?

Rydym wedi buddsoddi mewn hyfforddiant ac yn awr mae gennym ymarferydd Thrive hyfforddedig sy'n gymwys i weithio gyda phlant unigol, Mrs Miller. 


Sut byddaf yn gwybod a oes angen cynllun unigol ac amser ar fy mhlentyn gydag ymarferwr?

Bydd athro neu ymarferydd Thrive yn cysylltu â chi i egluro popeth a byddwn bob amser yn gofyn am ganiatâd rhieni cyn parhau â gwaith unigol.


A fyddaf yn gwybod beth sydd yn y cynllun gweithredu ar gyfer fy mhlentyn?

Byddwch. Rhennir Cynlluniau Gweithredu gyda rhieni sy'n cael eu hannog i wneud rhai o'r gweithgareddau gartref gyda'u plentyn. Mae Thrive yn gweithio orau pan fydd pawb yn ymwneud â defnyddio'r dulliau a awgrymwyd gan Thrive.


Beth sydd mewn Cynllun Gweithredu?

Mae Cynllun Gweithredu THRIVE yn gynllun o weithgareddau sydd wedi’u teilwra i gefnogi targedau dysgu cymdeithasol ac emosiynol plentyn. Mae'r gweithgareddau'n weithgareddau un-i-un a chwarae mewn grwpiau bach a gweithgareddau celfyddydol sydd wedi'u cynllunio i helpu'r plentyn i deimlo'n well amdano'i hun; dod yn fwy gwydn a dyfeisgar; ffurfio perthynas ymddiriedus, gwerth chweil; bod yn dosturiol ac yn empathig; a/neu allu goresgyn anawsterau ac anfanteision.


Pa mor hir mae Thrive yn ei gymryd?

Nid ateb cyflym yw Thrive; mae'n cymryd amser ac ymrwymiad i weld canlyniadau.Caiff Cynlluniau Gweithredu eu hadolygu'n rheolaidd i fonitro'r cynnydd y mae'r plant wedi'i wneud.


Am ragor o wybodaeth ewch i :-


Gallwch hefyd gysylltu â’r ymarferwr Thrive:-

Sadey Miller



Paige Phillips 



What is a Thrive school? 


A Thrive school is a school that follows the Thrive approach. 


What is the Thrive Approach?

The Thrive Approach is a dynamic, developmental and trauma-sensitive approach to meeting the emotional and social needs of children.


Is Thrive a new thing?

Thrive has been developed over 25 years and its creation is comes from a wealth of experience in social work, psychotherapy and education.

The Thrive Approach is underpinned by attachment theory to help understand what a child or young person’s behaviour is communicating.

The Thrive Approach is underpinned by child development theory in order to optimise children and young people’s social and emotional development.

The Thrive Approach is grounded in current scientific developments in neuroscience.

The Thrive Approach incorporates play, creativity and the arts to build healthy, safe and supportive relationships between adults and the children and young people they are working alongside.


What does Thrive do?

Thrive helps us to identify emotional developmental needs as early as possible, in order to support and meet those needs. 

Through simple, repeated activities over time, within a safe and caring environment, Thrive aims to compensate for interruptions in emotional development, when they affect a child’s ability to enjoy life and learn.


How do we use Thrive at Ysgol Santes Tudful? 

At our school we are using Thrive-Online® to help us identify what aspects of the social and emotional curriculum we need to focus on for each class of pupils. We use this to adapt how and what we teach to best meet the needs that are indicated. 


We also use Thrive-Online to assess and develop action plans for individual children. This ensures the staff working with them understand their individual needs and are able to meet these most effectively.

Who works with individual children?

We have invested in training and now have a fully trained Thrive practitioner that is qualified to work with individual children, Mrs Miller. 


How will I know if my child needs an individual plan and time with a practitioner? 

A teacher or Thrive practitioner will contact you to explain everything and we will always ask for parental consent before continuing with individual work. 


Will I know what’s in the action plan for my child? 

Yes. Action Plans are shared with parents who are encouraged to do some of the activities at home with their child. Thrive works best when everyone is involved in using the approaches suggested by Thrive. 


What is in an Action Plan?

A THRIVE Action Plan is a plan of activities tailored to support a child’s identified social and emotional learning targets. The activities are one-to-one and small group play and arts-based activities designed to help the child feel better about themselves; become more resilient and resourceful; form trusting, rewarding relationships; be compassionate and empathetic; and/or  be able to overcome difficulties and setbacks.


How long does Thrive take?

Thrive is not a quick-fix; it  takes time and commitment to see results. Action Plans are reviewed regularly to monitor the progress children have made.


For more information please go to :-


You can also contact our Thrive practitioner on: 

Sadey Miller



Paige Phillips
