Ein Cwricwlwm / Our Curriculum
Gweledigaeth Celfyddydau Mynegiannol/Our Vision - Expressive Arts
Gweledigaeth Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg/ Our Vision - Science and Technology
Gweledigaeth Iechyd a Lles/ Our Vision - Health and Wellbeing
Gweledigaeth Dyniaethau/ Our Vsion - Humanities
Gweledigaeth Maths a Rhifedd/Our Vision for Maths and Numeracy
Gweledigaeth Ieithoedd, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu/Our Vision for Languaguage
Crynodeb ein Cwricwlwm
Synopsis of our Curriculum
Cwricwlwm Bresennol yr Ysgol/ Current School Curriculum
Mae 3 Cam allweddol.
Cam 1 | Oed | Cam 2 | Oed | Cam 3 | Oed |
Meithrin | 3-4 | Blwyddyn 1 | 5-6 | Blwyddyn 4 | 8-9 |
Derbyn | 4-5 | Blwyddyn 2 | 6-7 | Blwyddyn 5 | 9-10 |
Blwyddyn 3 | 7-8 | Blwyddyn 6 |
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Mae pob dim trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yng nghamau 1, 2 a 3 gyda gwersi ffurfiol Saesneg yn cychwyn ym mlwyddyn 3. Cymraeg ydy prif cyfrwng cyfathrebu yr ysgol.
Ar ol Cam 3 mae'r plant yn symud i Gam 4 yn yr Ysgol Gyfun.
Blynyddoedd 3-6
Trefnir y dosbarth mewn i grwpiau gyda digon o gyfleoedd am waith unigol a gwaith par. Mae meini prawf trefniant y dosbarth yn ddibynnol ar amcanion a gofynion y dasg. Yng ngwersi Iaith a Mathemateg, mae plant pob blwyddyn yr Adran Iau yn cael eu ffrydio i ddau grwp. Mae hwn yn caniatai gwell cyfleoedd i wahaniaethu’r tasgau ac adnoddau ar eu cyfer.
Trefnir y tymor mewn i bythefnosau Cymraeg a phythefnosau Saesneg er mwyn sicrhau ffocws cyfartal ar y ddwy iaith. Dim ond y gwersi Saesneg sydd trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg. Cymraeg ydy prif gyfrwng y gwersi a chyfathrebu.
Darparir gwersi Mathemateg a rhai gwersi Iaith yn bur e.e. Gwersi gloywi iaith a gwersi ffoneg ond lle mae’n addas paratoir gwersi holistig sydd yn datblygu sgiliau mewn ffordd trawsgwricwlaidd, lle bydd mwy nag un pwnc yn cael ffocws yn y dasg neu brosiect. Mae wythnosau penodol ar gyfer pob maes dysgu wedi’u cynllunio o fewn y blwyddyn hefyd er mwyn cyfoethogi’r sgiliau ymhellach. Mae gwersi darllen yn digwydd yn ddyddiol lle mae pob dosbarth yn treulio amser yn dadansoddi’r testun a darllen ar goedd.
Rhoddir ystyriaeth i allu bob plentyn gan fod athrawon yn paratoi’n wahaniaethol er mwyn sicrhau datblygiad pob unigolyn. Er mwyn sicrhau dealltwriaeth ac ymroddiad i’r gwaith fe ddefnyddir amrywiaeth o ddulliau dysgu.
Addysg Grefyddol ac Addoli Religious Education and Worship
Addysgir Addysg Grefyddol, gan gynnwys dadleuon moesol, ar bob lefel i holl ddisgyblion yr ysgol fel rhan o’r cwricwlwm. Nid yw’r Ysgol â chysylltiad ag unrhyw enwad crefyddol yn arbennig, ond bydd Addysg Grefyddol yn Gristnogol yn bennaf. Yn ogystal, astudir arferion a thraddodiadau prif grefyddau eraill y byd er mwyn magu goddefgarwch crefyddol yn ein disgyblion. Cynhelir gwasanaethau byr dyddiol yn yr Ysgol – ysgol gyfan, adran, neu wasanaethau dosbarth (gwasanaethau Cristnogol neu ‘foesol’ yn bennaf). Ar adegau, gwahoddir weinidogion lleol i annerch y plant mewn gwasanaethau ysgol gyfan. Mae gan riant hawl i dynnu plentyn o wersi Addysg Grefyddol a/neu addoli ar y cyd yn yr Ysgol am resymau crefyddol. Dylai rhieni sydd am wneud hyn gysylltu â Phennaeth yr Ysgol i drafod trefniadau neillog ar gyfer eu plentyn ar gyfer y cyfnodau crefyddol hyn.
Yn ystod y flwyddyn byddwn yn cynnal gwasanaethau teuluol ac mae croeso mawr i’r rheini/gwarcheidwaid ddod i ymuno â’r disgyblion.
Current School Curriculum
The school is organised into three key Stages.
Stage 1 | Age | Stage 2 | Age | Stage 3 | Age |
Nursery | 3-4 | Year 1 | 5-6 | Year 4 | 8-9 |
Reception | 4-5 | Year 2 | 6-7 | Year 5 | 9-10 |
Year 3 | 7-8 | Year 6 |
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Welsh is the only language used Years Nursery to Year 2. Formal English lessons start in year 3. Welsh is the school's main medium of communication.
Consideration is given to each child's ability and staff prepare differentiated activities to ensure the development of each individual. In order to ensure understanding, a variety of teaching methods are used. Children do not have the same level of understanding for every subject they study and therefore the differentiation strategies will determine the child’s level of understanding.
Alongside their subject based work, the children’s curriculum is enriched with various activities and experiences. The children also have fortnightly outdoor learning days where they enjoy opportunities to develop their skills in an outdoor setting in a creative and holistic way.
Years 3-6
Our classes are organized into groups with plenty of opportunities for individual and paired work. The criteria for classroom organization are dependent on the objectives and requirements of the task. In Language and Maths lessons, Yaers 3-6 are streamed into two groups. This allows better opportunities to differentiate the tasks and resources for them.
The term is organized into Welsh and English fortnights which ensures an equal focus on both languages. Only English lessons are in English. Welsh is the main medium of lessons and communication.
Maths and some Language lessons are pure language and phonics lessons but where appropriate cross curricular lessons are provided, where more than one subject is given focus in the task or project. Specific weeks for each subject are also planned within the year to further enhance and embed their skills. Reading lessons take place daily where each class spends time analyzing the text and reading aloud.
Religious Education and Worship Religious Education and Worship
Religious Education, including moral arguments, is taught at all levels to all pupils at the school as part of the curriculum. The School is not affiliated with any particular religious denomination, but Religious Education will be predominantly Christian. In addition, the customs and traditions of other major world religions are studied in order to foster religious tolerance in our pupils. Short daily assemblies are held in the School - whole school, department, or class assemblies (mainly Christian or 'moral' services). Occasionally, local ministers are invited to address the children in whole school assemblies. A parent has the right to withdraw a child from Religious Education lessons and / or collective worship at the School for religious reasons. Parents wishing to do this should contact the Head of School to discuss alternative arrangements for their child for these religious periods.