Edrychwch ar y fwydlen Pic'n Mix a dewiswch weithgaredd Iaith, Mathemateg a Thema i gyflawni pob dydd. Os oes mwy nag un opsiwn, dewiswch yr opsiwn sydd yn apelio mwyaf. Os oes mwy nag un taflen, dewiswch yr un mwyaf addas.
Nid oes angen cyflawni pob taflen gwaith. Gallech ddewis yr opsiynau ymarferol/TGCh os yw'n well.
Os nad ydych yn gallu printio'r taflenni gwaith, gallech defnyddio nhw fel templed neu sbardun i greu rhai eich hunan. Plis rhannwch unrhyw waith gyda'r athrawes dosbarth ar Seesaw.
Look at the Pic'n Mix menu and choose a Language, Maths and Themed task to complete every day. If there is more than one option, choose the most appealing. If there is more than one work sheet, choose the most appropriate.
There is no need to complete every work sheet. You can choose the practical/IT options if preferred
If you are unable to print the work sheets, you can use them as a template or inspiration to create your own. Please share any completed work with the class teacher on Seesaw.
Cofiwch gallech ganu, gwrando ar stori, darllen, gwylio rhaglenni Gymraeg a chwarae gemau pob dydd yn ogystal a gwneud y gweithgareddau. Cliciwch ar y seren isod i weld banc o adnoddau.
Don't forget, you can sing, listen to stories, read, watch Welsh TV programmes and play games every day, as well as completing work tasks. Just click the star below to see a variety of resources.