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Emotionally-Based School Avoidance (EBSA)

Mae EBSA, yn cyfeirio at yr heriau y mae plant a phobl ifanc yn eu hwynebu wrth fynychu'r ysgol. Gall yr unigolion hyn brofi emosiynau negyddol neu bryder sy'n gysylltiedig â mynd i'r ysgol, a all arwain at ddiffyg presenoldeb neu lai o bresenoldeb. Mae'r cylch pryder yn parhau wrth i fynychu'r ysgol achosi trallod emosiynol a chorfforol.

Mae’n bwysig nodi nad yw’r disgyblion hyn yn gwrthod yr ysgol yn unig; felly, mae'r term “gwrthod ysgol” yn hen ffasiwn ac nid yw'n mynd i'r afael ag achosion sylfaenol diffyg presenoldeb. Yn nodweddiadol, mae materion emosiynol, iechyd meddwl neu les yn cyfrannu at amharodrwydd disgybl i fynychu’r ysgol neu ei absenoldeb llwyr. Nid yw disgyblion yn dewis osgoi ysgol yn fwriadol; yn lle hynny, maent yn teimlo'n ofnus, yn bryderus, yn drist, yn bryderus, ac emosiynau amrywiol eraill y tu hwnt i'w rheolaeth.

Mae nifer o resymau pam y gall disgybl wrthod mynychu’r ysgol, ac fel addysgwyr, mae’n hollbwysig rhoi llwyfan iddynt fynegi eu pryderon. Weithiau, efallai na fydd disgyblion eu hunain yn deall yn llawn y rhesymau dros eu hosgoi. Mewn achosion o’r fath, mae’r llyfr gwaith hwn yn adnodd gwerthfawr, gan arwain disgyblion i archwilio’r anawsterau y gallent fod yn eu hwynebu.

Trwy fynd i’r afael ag EBSA gydag empathi a chefnogaeth, gall yr ysgol helpu disgyblion i lywio eu hemosiynau a goresgyn yn raddol y rhwystrau sy’n rhwystro eu presenoldeb yn yr ysgol.



Emotionally-Based School Avoidance (EBSA)


Emotionally-Based School Avoidance, commonly known as EBSA, refers to the challenges faced by children and young people in attending school. These individuals may experience negative emotions or anxiety related to going to school, which can result in either non-attendance or reduced attendance. The anxiety cycle perpetuates as attending school causes emotional and physical distress.


It’s important to note that these pupils are not simply refusing school; therefore, the term “school refusal” is outdated and fails to address the underlying causes of non-attendance. Typically, emotional, mental health, or well-being issues contribute to a pupil’s reluctance to attend school or their complete absence. Pupils do not intentionally choose to avoid school; instead, they feel scared, anxious, sad, worried, and various other emotions beyond their control.


There are numerous reasons why a pupil may resist attending school, and as educators, it is crucial to provide them with a platform to express their concerns. Sometimes, pupils themselves may not fully understand the reasons behind their avoidance. In such cases, this workbook serves as a valuable resource, guiding pupils in exploring the difficulties they may be facing.


By addressing EBSA with empathy and support, school can help pupils navigate their emotions and gradually overcome the barriers that hinder their school attendance.
