Cymorth ELSA/ELSA Support
Beth ydy ELSA?
Datblygwyd ymyrraeth ELSA (Cynorthwyydd Cymorth Llythrennedd Emosiynol) yn wreiddiol yn Southampton, yna Hampshire, gan Sheila Burton, Seicolegydd Addysg. Fe'i cynlluniwyd i adeiladu gallu ysgolion i gefnogi anghenion emosiynol eu disgyblion o fewn eu hadnoddau eu hunain. Cyflawnir hyn trwy hyfforddi cynorthwywyr addysgu i ddatblygu a darparu rhaglenni cymorth unigol i ddiwallu anghenion emosiynol plant a phobl ifanc yn eu gofal. Mae'n cydnabod bod plant yn dysgu'n well ac yn hapusach yn yr ysgol os eir i'r afael â'u hanghenion emosiynol hefyd. Bellach gweithredir yr ymyrraeth hon yn eang gan seicolegwyr addysg ledled Prydain.
Mae ELSA yn fenter a ddatblygwyd ac a gefnogir gan seicolegwyr addysg, sy'n cymhwyso eu gwybodaeth broffesiynol o ddatblygiad cymdeithasol ac emosiynol plant i feysydd angen a brofir gan ddisgyblion. Maent yn darparu goruchwyliaeth broffesiynol barhaus i helpu i gynnal ansawdd uchel yn y gwaith a wneir gan ELSAs, a thrwy hynny helpu i sicrhau ymarfer diogel i ELSAs a disgyblion fel ei gilydd.
What is ELSA?
The ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) intervention was originally developed within Southampton, then Hampshire, by Sheila Burton, Educational Psychologist. It was designed to build the capacity of schools to support the emotional needs of their pupils from within their own resources. This is achieved by training teaching assistants to develop and deliver individualised support programmes to meet the emotional needs of children and teenagers in their care. It recognises that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are also addressed. This intervention is now widely implemented by educational psychologists across Britain.
ELSA is an initiative developed and supported by educational psychologists, who apply their professional knowledge of children’s social and emotional development to areas of need experienced by pupils. They provide on-going professional supervision to help maintain high quality in the work undertaken by ELSAs, thereby helping to ensure safe practice for ELSAs and pupils alike.
Mae ELSA yn sefyll am Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. Mae nifer o’n staff wedi derbyn hyfforddiant ELSA lle maen nhw wedi dysgu am sut i gynnig cymorth i helpu plant gyda’u sgiliau cymdeithasol, emosiynau, profedigaeth, tymer a hunan-barch. Mae’r staff hefyd yn derbyn sgiliau cwnsela ac yn dysgu sut i ddefnyddio straeon cymdeithasol a straeon therapiwtig i helpu dealltwriaeth y plant. Mae ELSA yn llwyddiannus iawn o fewn yr ysgol ac yna i helpu unrhyw blentyn sydd angen ychydig o gymorth yn eu bywydau. Nid ydym yn cychwyn sesiynau ELSA heb ganiatâd y rhieni.
What does ELSA stand for?
ELSA stands for Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. Many of our staff have received ELSA training and have learned how to offer support to help children with their social skills, emotions, bereavement, anger and self-esteem. Staff also receive counseling skills and learn how to use social and therapeutic stories to aid children's understanding. ELSA is very successful within the school and is there to help any child that needs a little help in their life. We do not start ELSA sessions without parental consent.