Gwisg Ysgol/School Uniform
Mae gwisg ysgol yn cyfrannu at adeiladu ymdeimlad o falchder, cymuned a pherthyn ymhlith myfyrwyr, staff a rhieni yn ogystal â'r gymuned leol. Rydym yn gweld bod myfyrwyr yn falch o gynrychioli Ysgol Santes Tudful yn gyhoeddus trwy wisgo ein gwisg ysgol. Credwn fod gwisgo'n briodol yn cyfrannu at hunanddisgyblaeth a chanolbwyntiad gwell. Mae gwisgo gwisg ysgol hefyd yn helpu i roi disgyblion mewn meddylfryd ‘amgylchedd gwaith’ ac yn eu helpu i wahanu eu bywyd cartref ac ysgol. Mae pob plentyn hefyd yn gyfartal wrth leihau'r pwysau i wisgo'r brandiau ffasiynol diweddaraf. Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi eich cydweithrediad yn y mater hwn.
Mae gwisg Ysgol Santes Tudful yn cynnwys:
- Pâr o esgidiau du neu dreinyrs plaen du.
- Sandalau caeedig yn unig.
- Crys polo gyda logo’r ysgol neu grys polo plaen gwyn/coch, blows wen, crys gwyn (tei yn ddewisol)
- Siwmper goch (logo dewisol) cardigan / hoodie .
- Trowsus du neu lwyd tywyll, sgert neu siorts wedi teilwra.
- Dim joggers.
- Dim leggings ( Dim ond yn y Feithrin a Derbyn neu ddiwrnod Addysg Gorfforol BL 1 a 2)
- Teits plaen (du/llwyd neu goch).
- Sanau gwyn neu lwyd.
- Ffrog 'gingham' coch a gwyn i’r haf neu wisg pinafore llwyd.
- Côt neu siaced sydd wrth ddŵr
Ni chaniateir gemwaith yn yr ysgol ar unrhyw adeg.
Gwisg Chwaraeon
- Cyfnod Sylfaen: Meithrin a Derbyn: Crys t gwyn, trowsus loncian du/llwyd + threinyrs. - i'w gwisgo i'r ysgol ar ddiwrnod Addysg Gorfforol.
- Blwyddyn 1 a 2: Crys t gwyn, shorts du/llwyd / trowsus loncian du/llwyd + threinyrs. i'w gwisgo i'r ysgol ar ddiwrnod Addysg Gorfforol.
- Adran Iau: Crys-t gwyn/coch/du, shorts du/llwyd. Trowsus loncian du/llwyd + threinyrs. (I ddod mewn bag.)
School Uniform
A uniform contributes to building a sense of pride, community and belonging among students, staff and parents as well as the local community. We find that students are proud to represent Ysgol Santes Tudful in public through wearing our school uniform. We believe that dressing appropriately contributes to self-discipline and better concentration. Wearing a uniform also helps puts pupils in a ‘working environment’ mindset and helps them separate their home and school life. School uniform also places children on a level playing field, reducing the pressure to wear the latest fashionable brands. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Ysgol Santes Tudful School uniform consists of:
- Pair of black shoes or plain black trainers.
- Sandals need to be of the closed toe variety
- White/red plain polo shirt / white blouse / button-up shirt. (Tie optional)
- Red sweatshirt (logo optional) cardigan or hoodie.
- Black or dark grey ‘school-type’ trousers, skirt or tailored shorts
- No joggers or leggings (except for nursery and reception)
- Plain tights (black/ grey/red or white/grey socks)
- A ‘gingham’ red/white summer dress or grey pinafore dress.
- A coat or waterproof jacket
No jewellery is permitted at school at any time.
Sports Kit
- Nursery and Reception: White t-shirt, black/grey joggers + trainers – To be taken to school on PE day.
- Year 1 and 2: White t-shirt, shorts /black/grey joggers + trainers. To be taken to school on PE day. **(Black Drawstring Bags have been given to all pupils so that they may leave their kit in school for each half term)
Junior Department: White/Red/Black t-shirt, shorts /dark joggers + trainers. In a bag (please note that trainers should also be changed, due to the muddy conditions in school.) PE t-shirts with the school logo are also acceptable.