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Polisiau/ Policies

School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.

Pupil Attendance Handbook 2023-2026

Polisi Derbyn/ Admission Policy 2024/2025

Cynllun Dysgu Proffesiynol 2024/2025

Polisi Gwisg Ysgol - School Uniform Policy

Hygiene Policy

Bereavement Policy

School Privacy Notice

Polisi Diogelwch/ Safety Policy 2023/24

School Complaints Policy

Polisi'r Plant Diogelwch yr Haul

Polisi Bwyd a Ffitrwydd y Plant

Traffic Management Policy/ Polisi Rheolaeth Traffig
