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Gwylio'r Teledu / Watching Welsh TV

Beth am wylio rhaglen deledu Cymraeg ar Cyw? Cliciwch ar y linc uchos i fynd â chi at wefan S4C Clic. Bydd angen help oedolyn arnoch i fewngofnodi i'r wefan. Neu efallai bod modd i chi wylio S4C Stwnsh ar eich teledu yn y tŷ.


Ar ôl gwylio rhaglen, beth am fynd ar Seesaw i ddweud wrth eich athrawon am y rhaglen.

Pa raglen wylioch chi?

Oeddech chi'n hoffi'r rhaglen? Pam?

Ydych chi'n meddwl bydd eich ffrindiau chi'n hoffi'r rhaglen?

Marc allan o 10?


Dyma rhai o'n ffefrynau ni: 'Ahoi!', 'Deian a Loli', 'Octonots'


How about watching a Welsh TV show on Cyw? If you click on the above link it will take you to the S4C Clic website. You will need to get an adult to help you log in. Or maybe you could watch S4C Stwnsh on your TV at home (either on the S4C channel, or on catch-up TV.)


After watching the show, tell your teacher all about what you have watched by heading over to Seesaw.

Which show did you watch?

What did/didn't you like about the show? Why?

Do you think your friends would like the show?

Mark out of 10?


Here are some of our favourites: 'Ahoi!', 'Deian a Loli', 'Octonots'
