Y Cwtsh
Croeso i dudalen dosbarth lles Y Cwtsh!
Welcome to our wellbeing class page 'Y Cwtsh'!
Dyma wybodaeth i rieni gan seicolegydd i helpu nhw i gefnogi plant o dan e'u gofal gayd'u lles a iechyd meddwl.
Here is an information pack written by a psychologist to help support parents in helping their well-being and mental health.
Os ydy eich plentyn yn poeni am y sefyllfa neu yn dangos pryder o gwbl, mae yna help ar gael. Cliciwch ar y linc isod i ddarllen mwy. Cofiwch rydyn ni yma i helpu mewn unrhyw ffordd y gallen ni.
If your child is worried about the situation that we are facing or is showing any signs of anxiety, there is help available. Click on the link below to read more. Remember we are always here to help in any way we can.
Dyma ein sialens lego ni yn y cwtsh am y pythefnos nesaf.
11eg o Fai - 22ain o Fai
Ceisiwch sialens lego, celf a chrefft newydd pob Dydd. Danfonwch y lluniau ata i i gael gweld a rhannu nhw. Pob hwyl!
Fy ebost yw:
Cliciwch ar y linc uchod. Click on the link above.
Dyfyniadau / Quotes
Os ydych chi am gysylltu a fi, plis danfonwch neges i fy ebost ysgol.
Danfonwch ebost i gael code i ymuno a seesaw 'Y Cwtsh'. Dwi hefyd wedi danfon gwahoddiad i ymuno a dudalen Google classrooms 'Y Cwtsh'.
If you would like to contact me, please do so through my work email. Send an email in order to receive the code to join the Cwtsh seesaw page. I have also sent an invite to joint the Cwtsh google classroom page.