Dysgu yn yr Awyr Agored/Outdoor Learning
Dysgu yn yr Awyr Agored 2023
Helo ffrindiau
Miss Thomas and Miss O’Malley are setting you a challenge!
Mae Miss Thomas a Miss O’Malley yn gosod her i chi!
Let's get growing!
Gadewch i ni dyfu!
Gobeithio gaethoch chi sypreis neis dydd Gwener ddiwethaf yn gweld eich athrawon, ac wedi hoffi beth oedd yn y bag. Yn y bag roedd amlen fach gyda hadau blodyn haul. Ein her ni i chi yw i blannu’r hadau, gofalu am eich planhigyn a monitro taldra eich planhigyn wrth iddo dyfu. Mae’r ysgol gyfan yn cymryd rhan yn hwn. (Rhannwch eich lluniau ar seesaw)
PWY allai tyfu’r blodyn haul fwyaf?????
We hope you had a nice surprise last friday seeing some of the teachers, and liked what was in your bags. In the bag there was an envelope with some sunflower seeds. Our challenge for you is to plant your seeds, look after your plant and monitor how tall your sunflower grows. The whole school will be taking part in this. (Share you photos on seesaw)
WHO can grow the biggest sunflower?????
Awgrymiadau a cliwiau……
Plannu’r hadau tu fas rhwng Ebrill a Mehefin, gallwch chi ddechrau tyfu yn y ty ond maen mwy tebygol o dyfu yn fwy os rydych chi’n dechrau nhw bant tu allan.
Gallwch chi blannu nhw syth mewn i’r ddaear, gael gwared y chwyn.
Mi fydd y blodyn haul angen 6-8 awr o haul pob dydd i dyfu yn dda.
Paratoi’r pridd, gwnewch dyllau 12mm dwfn a 10cm gap rhwng pob haden os rydych yn plannu mwy na un.
Rhowch yr haden yn y twll yn ofalus a gorchuddio gyda phridd rhoi dwr yn ofalus.
Byddwch yn ofalus mae’r gwlithod ar falwod yn hoffi bwyta’r planhigyn wrth iddyn nhw ddechrau tyfu. (gallwch chi amddyffin gan dorri top botel blastig a rhoi drosto.
Wrth i’r blodyn tyfu fydd angen bach o help i sefyll yn syth felly fydd angen rhoi darn bambw/ffon yn y ddaear wrth ei ymyl a chlymu i’r blodyn yn ofalus.
Yna gofalwch amdan, rhoi dwr pob dydd, ac yna gwylio i dyfu a thyfu.
Hints and tips…
Plant your seed outside in April-june once the chance of frost has passed. You can start them off inside but it is just as easy and you are more likely to grow larger blooms if you start them off outside.
Sunflowers can be sown straight into the ground where they are going to flower, so make sure the space you are going to sow is weed free, by using a trowel to remove the weeds.
Make sure to plant them where they will get 6-8 hours sun per day – this is what they need to grow successfully.
Rake the soil to a fine tilth (a fine crumbly texture) and make some drills 12mm deep. Leave a 10cm space between each seed if you are sewing more than one.
Place the seed in carefully and cover them up with soil. Don’t forget to water the seeds gently.
Be careful, as slugs and snails like to eat the new shoots. You may like to protect the seedlings by cutting the top off a plastic bottle and placing it over your seedlings.
As your sunflower begins to grow taller than you, you will need to help support the stem, by placing a cane near the stem and loosely tying the cane to the plant with string.
Watch your sunflower (hopefully) grow and grow and grow…
Helo bawb,
Gobeithio rydych chi gyd yn saff, yn hapus ac wedi bod yn gweithio'n galed i’ch athrawes/ athro dosbarth. Rydyn ni'n gweld eisiau chi yn y dosbarth awyr agored a methu aros am y diwrnod pryd rydyn ni’n gallu bod nôl allan yn gwneud pethau hwylus gyda chi. Ond nes i’r diwrnod hynny dod rydyn ni wedi bod yn brysur yn chwilio am bethau rydych chi yn gallu gwneud o’r tŷ. Felly ewch i'r tudalen pic n mix lle mae 'na lwyth o bethau hwylus i'w gwneud. Croeso i chi neud cymaint yr hoffech chi.
Gobeithio y byddwch chi'n mwynhau’r gweithgareddau. Edrychwn ymlaen at weld beth rydych chi’n dewis gwneud!
Croeso i chi ddangos eich gwaith ar Seesaw eich dosbarth a hefyd danfon nhw aton ni trwy e-bost-
Cyfnod sylfaen i- romalley@santestudful.merthyr.sch.uk
CA2 i hthomas@santestudful.merthyr.sch.uk
Byddwn yn dangos eich gwaith ffantastig ar y tudalen dosbarth awyr agored ar y wefan yma, felly cadwch lygad barcud allan!!
Cofiwch i gadw’n saff a golchi eich dwylo yn aml.
Mwynhewch a hwyl am y tro!
Miss O’Malley a Miss Thomas
Hello everyone,
We hope that you are staying safe, are happy and are working hard for your class teachers. We miss you in our outdoor lessons and can’t wait to be back outside having fun with you. But until that day arrives we have been busy looking for things that you can do at home. If you go to the pick n mix section there are lots of fun things you can do. Feel free to do as many as you wish! We hope that you will enjoy these activities and we look forward to seeing what you do.
Please feel free to log your work on Seesaw but also send them to us through email-
Foundation phase to romalley@santestuful.merthyr.sch.uk
KS2 to hthomas@santestudful.merthyr.sch.uk
We will be showing your fantastic work on the outdoor learning page of the school website. Keep checking to see if your task or creation will be showcased!
Remember to stay safe and wash your hands often.
Enjoy and goodbye for now!
Miss O’Malley and Miss Thomas