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Asesiadau Cenedlaethol/National Tests


O ganlyniad i bandemig y coronafeirws, diddymwyd y gofyniad statudol i ddysgwyr sefyll y prawf Rhifedd (Rhesymu) papur olaf  ac i ysgolion roi gwybod am y canlyniadau.  Cyflwynir asesiad personol ar-lein o sgiliau rhesymu yn y flwyddyn ysgol 2021/22.


Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the statutory requirements for learners to take the final paper-based test for Numeracy (Reasoning) and for schools to report the results were removed. An online personalised assessment of reasoning skills will be introduced in the 2021/22 school year.

Canllaw cyflym ar y Profion Darllen a Rhifedd Cenedlaethol 2019

A quick guide to the National Reading & Numeracy tests 2019
