Ysgolion Iach/ Healthy Schools
Ysgolion Iach/Healthy Schools
Mae’r Ysgol eisoes wedi hyrwyddo pwysigrwydd cadw’n iach ac wedi mynd ati'n frwd i hybu, diogelu ac ymgorffori iechyd a lles corfforol, meddyliol a chymdeithasol drwy gymryd camau gweithredu cadarnhaol. Rydym wedi mabwysiadu polisïau effeithiol, cynllunio’n strategol er mwyn sicrhau llwyddiant ac wedi datblygu staff. Ein hymgyrch mwyaf diweddar yw darparu amgylchedd ffisegol pwrpasol sydd yn datblygu addysg ein disgyblion yn yr awyr agored.
Er mwyn ennill y Wobr Ansawdd Genedlaethol rhaid bod yr ysgol wedi dilyn y cynllun Ysgolion-Iach ac wedi datblygu’r saith pwnc iechyd gwahanol:-
Bwyd a Ffitrwydd
Iechyd a Lles Meddyliol ac Emosiynol
Datblygiad Personol a Pherthnasoedd
Defnyddio a Chamddefnyddio Sylweddau
Ymfalchïwn yn y ffaith bod Ysgol Santes Tudful yn ysgol iach sydd wedi rhagori yn y 7 maes iechyd, wedi ennill y Wobr Ansawdd Genedlaethol ac yna ei ail-ddilysu yn rheolaidd.
The School has already promoted the importance of keeping healthy and has actively promoted, safeguarded and incorporated physical, mental and social health and wellbeing through positive action. We have adopted effective policies, strategic planning for success and staff development. Our most recent campaign is to provide a purposeful physical environment that develops our pupils' outdoor education.
To achieve the National Quality Award the school must have followed the Healthy Schools scheme and developed the seven different health topics:-
Food and Fitness
Mental and Emotional Health and Well-being
Personal Development and Relationships
Substance Use and Misuse
We take pride in the fact that Ysgol Santes Tudful is a healthy school that has excelled in all 7 areas of health, gained the National Quality Award and is revalidated regularly.