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Tablau / Times Tables

Ym mlwyddyn 3, hoffwn i chi ymarfer y tablau rydych chi wedi dysgu'n barod:

tabl 2, 5 a 10

a dysgu tablau newydd:

tabl 3 a 4.


In year 3, we would like you to revise the times tables that you've previously learned:

2, 5 and 10

and learn some new times tables:

3 and 4.



Dyma restr o apiau gwahanol i helpu chi i ddysgu eich tablau:

Here is a list of different apps to help you learn your times tables:


  • Times Tables Quiz

  • Early Birds: Times Tables Training

  • Mr Thorne’s Times Tables Terra

  • My Times Tables

  • 10 Minutes A Day Times Tables

  • Times Table Toons

  • Squeebles Times Tables

Gwefannau / Websites