Tasg 1 / Task 1
Tasg 1: Merched Medrus Cymreig
Task 1: Wonderful Welsh Women
***Tasg i'w gwblhau yn Gymraeg / Task to be completed in Welsh***
Ydych chi'n gallu ymchwilio i ferched neu fenywod Cymreig sydd wedi cyflawni pethau rhyfeddol yn eu bywydau?
Gallwch gyflwyno gwaith am un fenyw neu ferch, neu mwy nag un.
Rhai pethau i feddwl amdanynt:
- Pam ydyn nhw'n enwog?
- Pa ffeithiau diddorol ydych chi wedi darganfod?
- Pa ansoddeiriau gallwch ddefnyddio wrth ddisgrifio?
- Beth sydd yn gwneud hi'n/nhw'n arbennig?
- Beth yw eich barn amdani/amdanynt?
Cofiwch i fod yn greadigol wrth cyflwyno'ch gwaith. Gallwch ei gwblhau fel yr hoffech (e.e. Google Slides, Poster, ar Seesaw, cyflwyniad llafar) - mae hi fyny i chi!
Can you research to find information about an inspirational Welsh girl or woman, who have achieved something remarkable in their lives?
You can present information about one girl or woman, or you could present information about several.
Some things to conisder:
- Why are they famous or well-known?
- Which interesting facts have you discovered about them?
- Which adjectives would you use to descirbe them?
- What makes them special?
- What is your opinion of them?
Remember to be creative when presenting and completing your work. You can complete the work any way you wish (e.g. on google slides, as a poster, on Seesaw, vlog/presentation) - it's completely up to you!
Isod mae rhai syniadau o fenywod allech chi ymchwilio.
Below are some ideas of the women you could research.