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  • Latest Coronavirus Advice

    Wed 20 Jan 2021
  • Childcare During Coronavirus - HUB Schools

    Wed 25 Mar 2020

     Mae Ysgol Santes Tudful wedi cau. Rydym nawr wedi uno i greu ysgol hwb Cymraeg gydag Ysgol Rhydygrug. Mi fydd croeso i blant bregus a phlant gweithywr allweddol YST yn ysgol Rhydygrug o hyn allan.


    Ysgol Santes Tudful is now closed until further notice. Our children are to attend the welsh hub school at Rhydygrug during these difficult times. Our staff will work alongside the staff at Rhydygrug in ensuring the safety of our vulnerable children and those children of key workers.




  • Latest Coronavirus Neews

    Tue 17 Mar 2020

    Stay at home If you or anyone in your household has a high temperature or a new and continuous cough – even if it’s mild


    Everyone in your household must stay at home for 14 days and keep away from others. DO NOT go to the GP, pharmacy, or hospital.


    Pregnant women should also self-isolate as should anyone with an underlying serious health condition

  • Gwybodaeth Coronavirus

    Fri 13 Mar 2020


    Y cyngor cenedlaethol, fel ar heddiw (13 Mawrth 2020) yw i bethau barhau fel y maent, ond roeddwn i am eich sicrhau chi bod yr awdurdod lleol yn monitro’r datblygiadau’n ofalus, yn lleol ac yn genedlaethol. Yn y cyswllt hwn, mae’r awdurdod lleol wrthi’n datblygu strategaeth i sicrhau bod cynlluniau ac adnoddau effeithiol ar gael i ymateb yn briodol wrth i’r sefyllfa newid. 


    Er gwybodaeth, mae llawer o gyngor ar gael i’r cyhoedd ar wefannau Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, Llywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU mewn perthynas â coronafeirws.


    At hyn, mae cyngor mwy penodol i rieni a gofalwyr i’w gael ar wefan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru a byddwn yn eich annog i edrych ar y wefan yn rheolaidd. Mae rhagor o gyngor cyffredinol ynghylch teithio i’r DU neu o’r DU i’w weld ar wefan y Swyddfa Dramor a Chymanwlad (FCO).


    Yn y cyfamser, mae’ch cymorth fel rhieni/gofalwyr yn hanfodol i’n strategaeth ar gyfer atal coronofeirws rhag ymledu. Rhaid i mi bwysleisio eto mai’r ffordd orau o beidio â chael eich heintio yw drwy ofalu’ch bod yn cadw’ch dwylo’n lân.


    Felly, dywedwch wrth eich plant am olchi’u dwylo:


    • cyn gadael y cartref;
    • wrth gyrraedd yr ysgol;
    • ar ôl defnyddio’r toiled;
    • cyn paratoi bwyd;
    • ar ôl amseroedd egwyl ac ar ôl cymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon;
    • cyn bwyta bwyd, gan gynnwys byrbrydau;
    • cyn gadael yr ysgol; ac
    • wrth ddychwelyd adref o’r ysgol.


    Dywedwch wrth eich plant hefyd am:


    • beidio â chyffwrdd â’u llygaid, eu trwyn a’u ceg os nad ydyn nhw wedi golchi’u dwylo; ac
    • osgoi cyffwrdd â phobl sy’n wael.
  • Coronavirus Information

    Fri 13 Mar 2020

    National advice, as of today (13 March 2020), remains very much a case of ‘business as usual’, but I wanted to reassure you that the local authority is closely monitoring developments, both locally and nationally.  In this respect, the local authority is currently developing a strategy to ensure that effective plans and resources are in place to respond appropriately to this changing situation.


    For information, there is a range of advice available to the public on the Public Health Wales, Welsh Government and UK Government websites in relation to coronavirus.


    In addition, more specific advice for parents and carers can be found on the Public Health Wales website and I would encourage you to access this routinely.  Further general advice in relation to travel to or from the UK can also be found on the website of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).


    In the meantime, your support as parents/carers is critical to our strategy to fight the spread of coronavirus.  I can only reiterate that the best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to the virus through good hygiene.

    Therefore, please advise your child to wash their hands:


    • before leaving home;
    • on arrival at school;
    • after using the toilet;
    • before food preparation;
    • after breaks and sporting activities;
    • before eating any food, including snacks;
    • before leaving school; and
    • on returning home from school.


    Please also advise your children to:


    • avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands; and
    • avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
  • Coronavirus Update/Gwybodaeth bwysig

    Fri 13 Mar 2020

    You should stay at home for 7 days if you develop either:

    • a high temperature

    • a new continuous cough

    Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. You do not need to contact 111 to tell them you're staying at home.

    If you need to stay at home follow self-isolation advice on Public Health Wales.

    You should only contact 111 if:

    • you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home

    • your condition gets worse

    • your symptoms do not get better after 7 days
