Blwyddyn 4 - Miss Griffiths a Miss James
Croeso i dudalen Blwyddyn 4
Dosbarth Morlais Miss Griffiths a Dosbarth Cyfarthfa Miss James
Welcome to Year 4
Morlais class Miss Griffiths and Cyfarthfa class Miss James
Manylion cyswllt/ Contact:
Miss James-
Miss Griffiths -
Ein thema ar hyn o bryd yw...
Yn ystod y thema, rydym ni'n ymfalchio yn ein hanes, hunaniaeth a'r hyn sy'n bwysig i ni fel Cymry! Rydym wedi mwynhau dysgu am Gwpan Rygbi'r Byd a chefnogi ein gwlad ac wrthi'n dysgu am gestyll a thywysogion Cymru. Sbardun i'n gwaith oedd ymweliad i Gastell Cyfarthfa.
During our topic we will be celebrating our history, identity and what is important to us as proud Welsh citizens. We've recently studied the Rugby World Cup and supported our country and are currently learning about Welsh castles and their princes. We thoroughly enjoyed our recent visit to Cyfarthfa castle.
Iaith a Llythrennedd/Language and Literacy
- Remember Aberfan Sound Collage
- Bwrdd Stori Chwedl Gelert/ The Legend of Gelert storyboard
- Descriptive writing
Mathemateg a Rhifedd/ Mathematics and Numeracy
- Gwerth lle / Place value
- Trin Data/ Data handling
- 4 Gweithred Rhif- adio, tynnu, lluosi a rhannu / The 4 operations of number- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Capasiti y stadiymau Cwpan Rygbi'r Byd / Stadium capacity Rugby World Cup
- Lleoli dinasoedd Cymru- cyfesurynnau / Welsh cities co-ordinates
Dyniaethau/ Humanities
-Lleoli Merthyr ar fap o Gymru / Locating Merthyr on a map of Wales
-Dinasoedd Cymru / Welsh cities
-Ffeil o ffeithiau gwledydd Cwpan Rygbi'r Byd / Country fact file
- Cestyll Cymru / Welsh castles
- Hanes y tywysogion / History of the Welsh princes
Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg/ Science and Technology
- Micro-organebau / Microorganisms
- Arbrawf 'Taith Tisian' / Germ experiment
- Arbrawf germau ar daten / Potato experiment
- Egni potensial a chinetic / Potential and kinetic energy
- Prosiect STEM- creu catapwlt / STEM project- building a catapult
Y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol/ Expressive Arts
- Arfbais personol / Personal coat of arms
- Astudio ac efelychu gwaith Paul Klee / Study and replicate the work of Paul Klee
- dysgu a pherfformio dawns yr 'HAKA'/ Learn and perform the 'HAKA'
- creu model 3D o gastell / Create a 3D model of a castle
Iechyd a Lles/ Health and Wellbeing
- Rheolau dosbarth/ Class rules and expectations
- Cadarnhadau / Affirmation
- Meddylfryd Twf/ Growth mindset
- Wythnos gwrthfwlio/ Anti- bullying week
- Diogelwch ar y we / Online safety